Because of their various features, Siddur Eit Ratzon and Machzor Eit Ratzon are very well suited for a congregation with a lot of diversity in background, perspectives, and practices. Siddur Eit Ratzon is currently used in over 100 congregations in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa.
Eighty-two congregations have adopted Siddur Eit Ratzon as their main siddur and thirty-five congregations have adopted Machzor Eit Ratzon as their main machzor.
Over seventy other congregations are using Siddur Eit Ratzon for learners services or “synaplex” services under various names, or are using it for outreach or adult educational programs.
And many synagogues have ordered copies that are available to congregants and visitors as a “companion siddur” during services to enable them to participate more fully in the service.
* indicates 100 or more copies
* indicates 100 or more copies