For all high school students, for all college students, particularly those preparing to be K-8 math teachers, and for adults and students of all ages (10+) who are mathematically curious.
Problem Solving and Reasoning with Discrete Mathematics consists of a 430-page softbound textbook and a 175-page softbound “activity book” with perforated pages in which students can work on the activities presented in the text.
For further information about Problem Solving and Reasoning with Discrete Mathematics, see its Table of Contents, 16 sample pages, and other features of the book. The price of this preliminary edition is $48 for copies mailed within the US (including s/h); a revised and hardbound Classroom Edition is planned for the future
As the “balance beam” icon suggests, the book has two goals.
Learn more: “Why This Book?”
All high school students would benefit both from the mathematical content of this book and from the focus on problem solving, reasoning, and modeling.
The book is also appropriate for a course for college students who intend to become elementary or middle school math teachers. Versions of this book have been used by the author for such a course for almost ten years.
Indeed, this book is a substantially expanded, revised, and refocused version of an earlier book for prospective K-8 teachers that was developed by Joseph G. Rosenstein and Valerie A. DeBellis with support from the National Science Foundation (NSE-DUE #0443317).
Finally, this book is appropriate for students of all ages (10+) — including adults — who are mathematically curious and who enjoy working on interesting and challenging problems.
Copies of this book are no longer available, but I hope to print additional copies soon. Email me and I will notify you when copies are again available.